Find the area of a regular hexagon with an apothem 10.4 yards long and a side 12 yards long.

Please help

area = 1/2 * apothem * perimeter

To find the area of a regular hexagon, you can use the formula:

Area = (3 * √3 * s^2) / 2

- Area represents the area of the hexagon,
- √3 represents the square root of 3 (approximately 1.732),
- s represents the length of each side of the hexagon.

In this case, the length of each side is given as 12 yards. Therefore, substitute this value into the formula:

Area = (3 * √3 * 12^2) / 2

Area = (3 * 1.732 * 144) / 2

Area = (3 * 1.732 * 144) / 2

Area = (3 * 1.732 * 144) / 2

Area = 748.824 square yards

So, the area of the given regular hexagon with a side length of 12 yards and apothem of 10.4 yards is approximately 748.824 square yards.