how do I go about a full sentence outline for the effects of tanning salons

There are several really good examples in the first 4 links here:

Have you done your research yet?
Have you drafted a thesis statement yet?

Yes actually I have done research on this for quite some time. I just have a hard time with the whole APA outline setup for this stuff.Thank you for links mhopefully I can get a better idea .

If you want to post your outline once you have it written, I'll check it for you.

To create a full sentence outline for the effects of tanning salons, follow these steps:

1. Understand the purpose of your outline: An outline helps you organize your thoughts and main points before writing your essay or presentation. It provides a structure for your ideas and ensures logical flow.

2. Identify your main points: Start by brainstorming the main points you want to make about the effects of tanning salons. These could include health risks, psychological impacts, societal influences, or economic considerations.

3. Create a thesis statement: Write a clear and concise statement that summarizes your main argument or viewpoint on the effects of tanning salons. This will help guide the development of your outline and ensure coherence in your writing.

4. Develop sub-points: Under each main point, list sub-points that support and elaborate on the main idea. These sub-points will become the basis for the body paragraphs of your essay or presentation.

5. Arrange the points logically: Consider the most logical order for presenting your main points. You may choose to organize them chronologically, from least to most important, or in any order that best supports your thesis statement.

6. Write topic sentences: For each main point and corresponding sub-point, write a complete sentence that summarizes the key idea. These topic sentences will serve as the basis for each paragraph or section in your essay or presentation.

7. Provide evidence and examples: Under each topic sentence, include supporting evidence, data, statistics, or examples to reinforce your arguments. Be sure to cite credible sources properly if you're using external information.

8. Review and revise: Once you have outlined your key ideas, review the content and structure of your outline. Ensure that each point supports your thesis statement and flows logically from one to the next. Make necessary revisions or rearrangements as needed.

Remember, the outline is a flexible tool, so feel free to adapt and modify it as you research and gain a better understanding of the topic. Additionally, always consult your instructor or guidelines for any specific formatting requirements they may have for outlines.