Historical globalization & imperialism If my ancestors were not indigenous Canadians what 3 motives for imperialism would make them immigrate to Canada? please help

"what would make them ... " = this is asking for your opinions based on what you have studied.

To understand why your ancestors might have immigrated to Canada during a period of historical globalization and imperialism, it's important to consider the three main motives that often drove individuals and communities to seek new territories:

1. Economic Motives: Many people migrated in pursuit of better economic opportunities. During the era of historical globalization, Canada offered various economic prospects, such as the promise of fertile lands for agriculture, abundant natural resources like timber and minerals, and potential employment opportunities in developing industries. Economic motivations were often influenced by factors such as unemployment, poverty, or seeking to escape social limitations in their home countries.

2. Political and Social Motives: Political and social factors also played a significant role in motivating individuals and families to migrate. People often sought refuge from political instability, oppressive governments, religious persecution, or restrictions on personal freedoms. Canada, with its emerging democratic institutions, relatively stable political environment, and the promise of religious and personal freedoms, attracted many immigrants during imperialism.

3. Ideological and Nationalistic Motives: The rise of nationalism and imperialistic ideologies during historical globalization led many individuals to settle in new territories to spread and assert their cultural, religious, or national identities. Whether it was a desire to establish a colony for their nation, propagate their religious beliefs, or promote their cultural values, people sought to extend the influence of their homelands to Canada and contribute to the growth of their communities.

In summary, your ancestors may have immigrated to Canada during the era of historical globalization and imperialism for economic opportunities, political and social freedoms, or to promote their cultural, religious, or national identities. It's important to explore historical documents, family records, or personal stories to gain a clearer understanding of their specific motives.