The image of the point P(-38, 127) when reflected over the line y=x is...

To find the image of a point when reflected over a line, you can follow these steps:

1. Plot the given point P(-38, 127) on a coordinate plane.

2. Draw the line y = x. This line represents the reflection axis.

3. Draw a perpendicular line from the given point P to the reflection axis. Let's label the point where this line intersects the reflection axis as Q.

4. Measure the distance between the reflection axis and point Q.

5. Move the same distance on the other side of the reflection axis from point Q. Let's call this new point R.

6. Point R is the reflected image of point P over the line y = x.

So, to find the reflected image of the point P(-38, 127) over the line y = x, you need to follow these steps:

1. Plot the point P(-38, 127) on a coordinate plane.

2. Draw the line y = x.

3. Draw a perpendicular line from P(-38, 127) to the line y = x.

4. Find the point Q where the perpendicular line intersects the reflection axis.

5. Measure the distance between the reflection axis and point Q.

6. Move the same distance on the other side of the reflection axis from point Q to find the reflected image of P.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the image of the point P(-38, 127) when it is reflected over the line y = x.