The distance around the equator of Saturn is about 378,675 km. What is the equatorial diameter of Saturn? Use pi = 3.14.

A) 241,209
B) 241,194
C) 120,584
D) 120,597
I think it is [D] but I'm not sure.

d is correct

C = pi * d

378,675 = 3.14d

378,675/3.14 = d

120,597 = d

You're right.

d pi = 378,675 Divide both sides by pi

d = 378,675 / pi

d = 378,675 / 3.14

d = 120.597,133 km

Answer D)

To find the equatorial diameter of Saturn, we can use the formula for the circumference of a circle: C = πd, where C represents the circumference and d represents the diameter.

Given that the distance around the equator of Saturn is about 378,675 km, we can set up the equation as:
C = 378,675 km

Plugging this value into the formula, we get:
378,675 km = πd

To solve for d, we need to rearrange the equation and isolate the diameter:
d = C / π

Now let's calculate the diameter using the given circumference and the value of π as 3.14:
d = 378,675 km / 3.14
d ≈ 120,584.39 km

So, the equatorial diameter of Saturn is approximately 120,584 km.

Comparing this result with the given options, we can see that option [C] has the closest value to our calculated diameter, which is 120,584. Therefore, C) 120,584 is the correct answer.