the mood of this passage is tense sad humorous mysterious i put mysterious ( the story is about Paul Bunyan).

To determine the mood of a passage, it is essential to examine the language, tone, and atmosphere created by the author. In this case, since the story is about Paul Bunyan, let's consider different elements that could help us identify the mood.

1. Language and Tone: Analyze the author's choice of words and phrases. Are they dark and foreboding, light-hearted and comical, or something else? Look for words or descriptions that evoke specific emotions.

2. Atmosphere: Consider the overall feeling or atmosphere that the passage creates. Is it tense and gripping, sad and melancholic, humorous and lighthearted, or mysterious and intriguing?

Given the information provided, it seems "mysterious" might be an appropriate choice as it aligns with the mythological nature of Paul Bunyan stories. However, without examining the actual passage you are referring to, it is difficult to provide an accurate assessment. It's important to read the passage yourself and take into account different cues in order to confirm the mood.