I need to write 1,000 words which focuses upon how the denotation, connotation and/or level of diction found in the majority of the italicized words plays against the level of diction found in most of the rest of the poem.

Unfortunately, I don't know what this poem is supposed to be about, so I can't.

I think the poem is about suicide because of the end but what is the army and the band all about? Why is this guy playing all these instruments?

March for a One Man Band
by David Wagoner (1983)

He’s *a boom a blat* in the uniform
Of an army *tweedledy* band *a toot*
Complete with medals *a honk* cornet
Against *a thump* one side of his lips
And the other stuck with *a sloop a tweet*
A whistle *a crash* on top of *a crash*
A helmet *a crash* a cymbal a drum
At his *bumbledy* knee and a *rimshot* flag
*A click* he stands at attention *a wheeze *
And plays the Irrational Anthem *bang*

An asterisk indicates an italicized word.

What do you guys think?????

In the poem "March for a One Man Band" by David Wagoner, the italicized words play an important role in contrasting the level of diction found in the rest of the poem. While the overall meaning of the poem may not be clear, we can analyze the use of denotation, connotation, and level of diction in the italicized words.

1. Denotation: The denotation of a word refers to its literal or dictionary definition. In this poem, the italicized words, such as "boom," "blat," "tweedledy," "toot," "honk," "sloop," "tweet," "crash," "bumbledy," "rimshot," "wheeze," and "bang," convey a sense of sound effects or onomatopoeia. These words mimic the sounds made by various musical instruments, emphasizing the central theme of the one man band.

2. Connotation: The connotation of a word refers to its associated or implied meaning. In this poem, the italicized words carry connotations related to noise, chaos, and disorder. The repeated use of onomatopoeic words creates a cacophony of sounds, representing the overwhelming nature of the one man band's performance. The connotation of noise and unpredictability contributes to the chaotic atmosphere of the poem.

3. Level of Diction: Diction refers to the choice and use of words in writing. In this poem, the majority of the poem's words are written in a relatively straightforward and simple manner, except for the italicized words. These italicized words are marked by a higher level of diction, as they are more elaborate and specific. The contrast in diction between the italicized words and the rest of the poem highlights the unique and unconventional nature of the one man band's performance.

Now, regarding your question about the army and the band, and why this guy is playing all these instruments, it is important to note that the poem does not explicitly provide a clear interpretation. However, we can infer that the army and the band symbolize order and structure. The one man band being a part of the army band could reflect an individual's attempt to conform to societal expectations or to fit into a larger system. The repetition of various instruments being played simultaneously could further suggest the overwhelming pressure or chaos that this individual is experiencing. It is likely that the poem employs metaphorical language to convey the idea of the inner turmoil or struggle faced by an individual.

In conclusion, the use of denotation, connotation, and level of diction in the italicized words of the poem "March for a One Man Band" creates a contrast with the rest of the poem, emphasizing the chaos and unique nature of the one man band's performance. The poem's interpretation may vary, but it hints at themes such as individuality, conformity, and inner turmoil.

To analyze the denotation, connotation, and level of diction in the italicized words of "March for a One Man Band" by David Wagoner, you need to understand the context and overall theme of the poem. While the poem does not explicitly state its subject, you can speculate based on the imagery and symbolism used.

In this poem, the speaker describes a person dressed in an army band uniform playing various instruments. The repetition of sounds like "*boom a blat*" and "*tweedledy*" create onomatopoeic effects that give the poem a playful and energetic tone. The use of italicized words highlights the particular sounds made by each instrument being played.

In terms of the denotation, the specific words used indicate the instruments the person is playing, such as "*cornet*," "*whistle*," "*cymbal*," and "*drum*." These words have clear meanings and represent the physical objects being mentioned.

Connotation refers to the emotions, ideas, or associations that words evoke beyond their literal meanings. In this poem, the connotation of the italicized words can be interpreted as portraying chaos, disorder, and a sense of performance or showmanship. The repetition of sounds and the rapid succession of different instruments being played suggest a frenetic atmosphere.

The level of diction in the italicized words contrasts with the rest of the poem. The majority of the poem uses straightforward, non-italicized words, indicating a more conventional, everyday language. However, the italicized words introduce a more heightened, exaggerated language that emphasizes the cacophony and spectacle of a one-man band.

As for the interpretation of the army and band symbolism, the poem does not give explicit answers. However, you can infer that the army uniform represents discipline and structure, while the band symbolizes creativity and self-expression. The one-man band can be seen as an individual who combines these contrasting elements, showcasing both order and chaos, tradition and innovation.

To fully analyze this poem and write your 1,000-word essay, you should consider additional details, such as the structure, tone, and any other literary devices employed. Additionally, it would be helpful to consult literary analyses or criticism on this poem to gain more insights and perspectives. Remember to support your interpretations with specific evidence from the text to strengthen your argument.