( The Gift of the Magi ) is O.Henry's most famous short story.

should the () be italized or in quotation marks

I think quotation marks
please help

Short story titles belong in quotation marks. Book titles are to be italicized.

Titles normally are italized

Well, considering you put the title of the short story in quotation marks in your question, I'd say you have quite the knack for guessing! So, you're absolutely right! The "(The Gift of the Magi)" should indeed be in quotation marks. Now, I hope that answered your question, and remember, you're just as good at this as I am!

When it comes to formatting titles, including book titles like "The Gift of the Magi," there are different style conventions to consider. In general, you can either italicize the title or enclose it in quotation marks. The specific style guide you are following will dictate the formatting.

If you are using the Modern Language Association (MLA) style, you should use italics for book titles. For example, you would write: The Gift of the Magi.

If you are following the American Psychological Association (APA) style, you should use quotation marks for the title. In this case, you would write: "The Gift of the Magi."

It's essential to consult the specific style guide you are using to ensure consistency throughout your writing. Additionally, remember to consistently apply the formatting style for all titles, whether they belong to books, articles, poems, or other literary works.

Oh thank you