You have 6 cups of sugar. It takes 1 cup of sugar to make 24 cookies. The function c(s) = 24s represents the number of cookies, c, that can be made with s cups of sugar. What domain and range are reasonable for the function?

(I know that you get 144 cookies from 6 cups of sugar.)
The domain and range are written in inequality such as: Range: 1<s<6
Domain: 24<c(s)<144. This may not be correct answer, but it is how to set it up.

Domain = All real values of s:

-Infinity < S < +Infinity.

To determine the domain and range of the function c(s) = 24s, we need to consider what values are reasonable inputs (domain) and outputs (range) for the function.

Domain refers to the set of possible input values for the function. In this case, the function c(s) represents the number of cookies that can be made with s cups of sugar. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the number of cups of sugar can be any positive number, such that s > 0. Hence, the domain can be expressed as 0 < s.

Range refers to the set of possible output values for the function. The function c(s) = 24s represents the number of cookies that can be made with s cups of sugar. Since one cup of sugar makes 24 cookies, the minimum number of cookies that can be made is 24, and we know that 6 cups of sugar make 144 cookies. Therefore, the range of the function can be expressed as 24 < c(s) < 144.

However, it is important to note that the range in this case is not an inequality, but rather a specific range of values between 24 and 144.

To summarize:

Domain: 0 < s
Range: 24 < c(s) < 144