Physics Report! What should i write..please help me need ideas !best answer!?

Well First my report should be focused on Circular Motion OR Energy and momentum

All the report says is to spend a day or two analysing the world around you in terms of Linear Motion / Newton's Laws / Vectors. Choose one aspect you would like to investigate further e.g. apples falling from a tree

You start by understanding what you want to get out of this exercise then you go on to do it. You need to show that you can investigate and explain the underlying physics of an observed real-world situation write a scientific report evaluate the quality of your work

Make a note of what you have found interesting in your observations and what you think the underlying physics may be. Then check your explanation using a valid source of information and modify your explanation accordingly if necessary.

Do some tests / collect some detailed information
Try and capture some data / information about the situation that demonstrates the underlying physics. You can use this information in your report.

See if the detailed information / data you have captured supports or refutes your original explanation of the underlying science. Or perhaps your explanation needs to be modified slightly to explain all the data you observed. Make notes on this stage to help you with writing up your report.

Ask yourself questions about the process and jot down some notes which may be of use when writing up your report. The types of questions you might ask could include “Was this the best way to illustrate the physics of the situation? Are there other ways it could have been done and what are the merits of each? Are there other interesting aspects of the situation that could also be investigated?

Write a Scientific Report
The report should be coherent, cohesive, comprehensive and concise. We are expecting around 3 pages of text plus any pictures, diagrams, tables of data, audio or video material relevant to your study.

You have a wordy instructor.

So you want to investigate circular motion? Why not investigate why you feel pressed against the car door when you turn the car at higher speeds. Why? How much? How does it fit into Newtons Laws?

You can explain it in a half page of text, however, I suspect your teacher enjoys words and pictures.

But in the end, understanding and applying Newtons Laws of Motion are more important.

To write a physics report focused on either circular motion or energy and momentum, you can follow these guidelines:

1. Choose a specific aspect of circular motion or energy and momentum that you find interesting and want to investigate further. For example, you could study the motion of a swinging pendulum or the conservation of energy in a roller coaster.

2. Begin by observing and analyzing the real-world situation you have chosen. Take note of any interesting observations and think about the underlying physics principles at play. For example, if you are studying the motion of a swinging pendulum, you can observe its period, amplitude, and how it relates to its length.

3. Research and consult valid sources of information to verify and enhance your understanding of the underlying physics. This step will help ensure the accuracy and reliability of your explanations.

4. Conduct tests or gather detailed information that demonstrates the physics principles you are investigating. You may need to measure and record data, such as the time it takes for a pendulum to complete a swing or the heights of a roller coaster at different points.

5. Analyze the collected data and evaluate if it supports or refutes your initial explanation of the underlying physics. Look for patterns or trends in the data that align with your predictions. If your explanation needs modification to account for the observed data, make necessary adjustments.

6. Ask yourself critical questions about the process and the investigation. Consider alternative ways to illustrate the physics principles, explore other interesting aspects of the situation, and evaluate the merits of each approach. Take notes on these questions and ideas to incorporate into your report.

7. Write a scientific report that is coherent, cohesive, comprehensive, and concise. The report should include approximately three pages of text, as well as any relevant pictures, diagrams, tables of data, or audio/video material. Organize your report with an introduction, methodology, results, analysis, and conclusion sections. Clearly present your findings and support them with evidence from your observations and data.

Remember to demonstrate a strong understanding of the underlying physics principles, effectively communicate your findings, and critically evaluate the quality and limitations of your work.