Anticolonial movements shared all but which of the following features?

A Some form of nationalism
B Inspiration from traditional cultures as a means of shaping nationalism
C Dissatisfaction among nationalists with their own exclusion from power
D A steady commitment to democracy
E Efforts to harness anti-imperialist sentiment

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A steady commitment to democracy

To determine which of the following features anticolonial movements did not share, you can examine each option individually.

A) Some form of nationalism: Anticolonial movements often shared a common goal of achieving national independence and self-determination. They sought to establish their own sovereign nations and protect their cultural identities.

B) Inspiration from traditional cultures as a means of shaping nationalism: Many anticolonial movements drew inspiration from their traditional cultures as a means of developing a sense of national identity. By promoting traditional values, languages, and customs, they aimed to strengthen their resistance against colonial powers.

C) Dissatisfaction among nationalists with their own exclusion from power: Anticolonial movements often emerged as a response to the exclusion of nationalists from positions of power within colonial governance structures. They aimed to challenge the oppressive colonial hierarchies and secure political rights for their own people.

D) A steady commitment to democracy: While some anticolonial movements may have started with a commitment to democratic ideals, their approaches to governance varied. Some movements embraced democratic principles, while others adopted socialist, communist, or authoritarian systems. Therefore, a steady commitment to democracy was not a universal feature of all anticolonial movements.

E) Efforts to harness anti-imperialist sentiment: Anticolonial movements sought to mobilize and unite people against the oppressive rule of colonial powers. They utilized anti-imperialist sentiment to rally support for their cause and gain international recognition.

Based on this analysis, the feature that anticolonial movements did not share is D) A steady commitment to democracy. While democratic principles may have been a part of some movements, others pursued alternative forms of governance.