One of the early battles of the war was the (Battle of Gettysburg,First Battle of Bull Run).

Battles of Gettysburg?

People in many U.S. cities paid their respects to President Lincoln after his (assassination,impeachment).

Republicans in Congress called for the (total war,impeachemnt) of Preisdent Andrew Johnson.

Two of your answers are correct.

These sites will tell you which one is wrong.

Is the first one wrong

Is the first one Battle of Gettysburg?



The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the early battles of the war. To find out which battle it was, we need to compare the two options provided: "Battle of Gettysburg" and "First Battle of Bull Run." By looking up information on both battles, we can determine that the correct answer is the Battle of Gettysburg. It took place from July 1 to July 3, 1863, during the American Civil War.

President Lincoln's assassination refers to the event in which Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, was assassinated. To answer this question, you would need to know about this historical event or be familiar with it from previous knowledge.

Impeachment is a political process used in the United States to remove a president, vice president, or other federal officials from office for misconduct. In the case of Andrew Johnson, the 17th President of the United States, Republicans in Congress called for his impeachment. To understand the concept of impeachment, you would need to know the definition and the context related to President Johnson's administration.