Can someone please explain to me how to graph sine and cosine step by step because I am so confused and I really really need help.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you understand how to graph the sine and cosine functions step by step.

Step 1: Understand the Period
The period of a sine or cosine function is the length it takes for one complete cycle. For the general form of these functions, y = A sin(Bx - C) + D and y = A cos(Bx - C) + D, the period is given by 2π/B, where B is the coefficient of x. If B = 1, then the period is 2π.

Step 2: Determine the Amplitude
The amplitude measures the maximum height of the graph above or below the horizontal axis. In the general form, it is represented by A. The amplitude is the absolute value of A, which means it is always positive.

Step 3: Identify the Vertical Shift
The vertical shift, represented by D in the general form, determines how the graph is shifted up or down along the y-axis.

Step 4: Find the Horizontal Shift
The horizontal shift, represented by C in the general form, determines how the graph is shifted left or right along the x-axis. If C > 0, the graph is shifted to the right, and if C < 0, the graph is shifted to the left.

Step 5: Plotting Points
To graph the function, start by plotting several points on the graph using the values obtained from steps 1 to 4. To find the coordinates for each point, substitute different x-values into the function and calculate the corresponding y-values using a calculator or by hand.

Step 6: Draw the Graph
Once you have plotted enough points, connect them smoothly to form a continuous curve. Remember that the sine function starts at the origin and moves upward while the cosine function starts at its maximum or minimum value and moves downward.

Step 7: Repeat the Pattern
Since the sine and cosine functions are periodic, the same pattern repeats over and over as you move along the x-axis. Continue the pattern of the graph by repeating the shape at the appropriate intervals based on the determined period.

By following these steps, you should be able to graph the sine and cosine functions with ease. Remember to practice to become more comfortable with the process.