What equation do you get when you solve v-m = v+nx for x

How did you work this problem?

v - m = v + nx

Subtract v from both sides.
-m = nx
Divide both sides by n.
x = -m/n

Thank you for being so detailed. It helped to understand how to solve the problem.

To solve the equation v - m = v + nx for x, we want to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Expand the equation
v - m = v + nx

Step 2: Rearrange the equation
v - v = nx + m

Step 3: Combine like terms (subtract v from both sides of the equation)
0 = nx + m

Step 4: Rearrange the equation
nx = -m

Step 5: Solve for x
Divide both sides of the equation by n
x = -m/n

So, the equation you get when you solve v - m = v + nx for x is x = -m/n.

To work this problem, we followed the steps of algebraic manipulation to rearrange the given equation and isolate the variable x. By performing the same operations on both sides of the equation, we maintain the equality. This allows us to solve for x by isolating it on one side of the equation.