ok so the point are A(3,0) and B(-4,6)

and the question asks : the images of points A and B after a reflection in the line y=x.

what im trying to ask is what axis does it go over the y or x axis?

when your coordinates are being reflected over the y=x line you switch the coordinates of a and b. For example, the new coordinates would be A (0,-3) and B (6,4) because after you switched them you multiply the new Y coordinate by -1. So after you graph the new points you tell me, is it over the x-axis?

thank you that helped alot

To determine the axis over which the reflection occurs when reflecting a point in the line y = x, you need to consider how the coordinates of the points change.

In this case, the line y = x is a diagonal line that passes through the origin (0,0) at a 45-degree angle. When reflecting a point in this line, the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of each point swap.

Let's apply this to the points A(3,0) and B(-4,6):

1. For point A(3,0), since the line of reflection is y = x, the x and y coordinates swap. So, after reflection, the new coordinates will be (0,3). Point A reflects over the line y = x and goes over the y-axis.

2. For point B(-4,6), again, the x and y coordinates swap. So, after reflection, the new coordinates will be (6,-4). Point B reflects over the line y = x and goes over the x-axis.

Therefore, point A(3,0) reflects over the y-axis, while point B(-4,6) reflects over the x-axis.