1. In a typical rural village in Mexico, you might expect to find that most people living on farms get their food by (1 point)growing their own.

buying what they need at large supermarkets.
buying what they need at small markets.
gathering nuts and wild berries.

Growing there own if i was ona farm id wanna grow my own way much cheaper

I say the same thing that Alex says. I agree with Alex. Also, Rock that is not a answer. That can not really help at all. Thank you for the correct answer.

Growing there own

Nearly every village in Mexico has a church and a market.The city's public square where the market is held is called a

Gianni the answer is plaza

To what country does mexico export the most goods?

A. Germany
B. Canada
C. Guatemala
D. United states

United States

To determine the answer to this question, we should examine the given options and use our reasoning.

Option 1: Growing their own. In a typical rural village in Mexico, it is common for people to have farms or small plots of land for agricultural purposes. Therefore, it is likely that people in these villages grow their own food to meet their needs.

Option 2: Buying what they need at large supermarkets. In rural villages, large supermarkets are not as common as in urban areas. There might be some limited access to large supermarkets, but it is not the primary source of food.

Option 3: Buying what they need at small markets. Small markets, known as tiendas or mercados, are more likely to be found in rural villages. These markets provide essential items, including food, for the local community.

Option 4: Gathering nuts and wild berries. While it is possible for villagers to gather nuts and wild berries as a supplement to their regular diet, it is unlikely to be the primary means of obtaining food.

Based on these options, the most likely answer is option 1: growing their own. Rural villages in Mexico often have agricultural activities, and people rely on their farms to grow fruits, vegetables, and other crops to sustain themselves.

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