entering the formula=SUM(C5:C18)is cell C19 will resolve in which of the following?

(a)cells C5 and C18 will be added together
(b)cells C5 and C18,and C19 will be added together
(c)the total of cells C5 to C19 will appear in cell C19
(d0the total of cells C5 to C18 will appear in cell C19
my answer is d

which of the following is an example of a formatted number using the currency option?
my answer is c

andrea needs to format the legend on her chart.she clicks on the chart to select it.which of the following option appears only when the chart is selected?
(a)page layout
(c)chart tools
my answer is c

in excel there are two types of formulas?what are they?
(a)trig and mathematical
(b)complex and simple
(c)general and currency
(d)logical and boolean
my answer is d

The first three are correct. I'm not sure about the fourth.

To get the answer to the question about the formula in cell C19, you can break down the formula and understand how it works. The formula "=SUM(C5:C18)" is calculating the sum of values from cell C5 to C18. Therefore, the correct answer is (d) "the total of cells C5 to C18 will appear in cell C19."

To answer the question about the formatted number using the currency option, you can analyze the options provided. The correct answer is (c) "$7778.92," as it includes the currency symbol "$" which indicates the option is formatted using the currency formatting.

To answer the question about formatting the legend on a chart in Excel, you need to understand the interface. When you select a chart in Excel, the option Chart Tools appears. Therefore, the correct answer is (c) "chart tools."

To answer the question about the types of formulas in Excel, you need to have a basic understanding of the different functions available. The two types of formulas in Excel are logical and boolean. Therefore, the correct answer is (d) "logical and boolean."