Pretend you are a scientist and you just found a solid substance in the ground where you were digging. What types of tests would you do on this substance? How would you determine if it is a rock or a mineral? Describe your substance (yes you can make something up here that fits within the mineral/rock descriptions) and name your substance.

Thank you! if you help me this time!!!

A little letter to Ms. Sue:

Dear Ms. Sue,

You weren't helpful last time and um if you don't be this time. I'm going to report you! So, I hope you help me.

Thank you,


As a scientist, when I find a solid substance in the ground, I would perform several tests to determine if it is a rock or a mineral. Here are some of the tests I would conduct:

1. Visual examination: I would closely inspect the substance to determine its color, texture, and overall appearance. This can provide initial clues about its identity.

2. Hardness test: I would use the Mohs hardness scale, which is a scale from 1 to 10 that rates the relative hardness of minerals. By scratching the substance with various minerals or objects of known hardness, I can determine its hardness value.

3. Streak test: I would rub the substance on a porcelain streak plate to observe the color of its streak. The streak color can differ from the substance's external color and can provide additional information about its composition.

4. Acid test: Some minerals react to specific acids. By applying a diluted acid, such as hydrochloric acid, to the substance, I can check if it produces a chemical reaction, such as fizzing or effervescence.

5. Magnetism test: I would use a magnet to determine if the substance is magnetic or contains magnetic minerals. This can help identify certain types of rocks and minerals, such as magnetite.

6. Density test: I would calculate the density of the substance by measuring its mass and volume. This can help differentiate between different rock and mineral types.

Now, let's imagine the substance I found is a solid material that is gray in color, has a coarse texture, and appears to be a mixture of different-sized particles. It does not react to acid and is not magnetic. Based on these initial observations, I would name this substance "Grawxite."

My next step would be to conduct the described tests. After examining the substance further, I would find that it has a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale. The streak test shows a white streak. It does not react to the acid test, and it is not magnetic. Lastly, I calculate its density to be 2.8 g/cm³.

Based on the results of these tests and comparing them to known rock and mineral characteristics, I would conclude that the substance "Grawxite" is a rock. Its specific properties, such as hardness, streak color, lack of reaction to acid, and density, help me make this determination.