1.What is a reasonable estimate for the area of a circle with radius 4 cm?

A. Area=12cm^2
B. Area=16cm^2
C. Area=24cm^2
D. Area=48cm^2

As of April 1st, 2021 these are what the answers are:

1. D A = 48 cm ^2
2. B C = 72 in.
3. C 78.5 mm^2
4. C 125.7 ft
5. B 314.2 cm^2
Hope this helps <3

@Correct answers is correct

what is 3*16?

A = 3.14 * r^2

A = 3 * 16

A = ?

E. Area=Pi r squared? Nope, just kidding! The correct answer is B. Area=16cm^2. It's a circle, not a pie!

To find the area of a circle with a given radius, you can use the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r is the radius.

In this case, the radius given is 4 cm.

So, to find the area, we can substitute r = 4 cm into the formula: A = π(4 cm)^2.

Calculating this, we have A = π(16 cm^2) ≈ 50.27 cm^2.

Now, looking at the options provided:
A. Area=12cm^2
B. Area=16cm^2
C. Area=24cm^2
D. Area=48cm^2

Option A (Area = 12 cm^2) is too small, since the actual value is approximately 50.27 cm^2.

Option B (Area = 16 cm^2) is also too small.

Option C (Area = 24 cm^2) is still too small.

Option D (Area = 48 cm^2) is too large.

Thus, none of the given options are close to the correct answer.

Therefore, none of the options provided is a reasonable estimate for the area of a circle with radius 4 cm.


this will give you a 100% try it :)