5a + 2b is a

a. monomial
b. binomial
c. trinomial

what is a monomial?


Its a binomial lmao

A monomial is an algebraic expression consisting of a single term. It can be a constant, a variable, or the product of constants and variables. For example, 3x, -4y^2, and 2 are all monomials.

A binomial is an algebraic expression consisting of two unlike terms connected by either addition or subtraction. For example, 5a + 2b is a binomial because it contains two terms, 5a and 2b, connected by addition.

A trinomial is an algebraic expression consisting of three unlike terms connected by either addition or subtraction. For example, 2x^2 + 3xy - 4y^2 is a trinomial because it contains three terms, 2x^2, 3xy, and -4y^2, connected by addition.

To determine whether the expression 5a + 2b is a monomial, binomial, or trinomial, we first need to understand what these terms mean.

A monomial is an algebraic expression that consists of a single term. It may include variables, constants, and/or coefficients, but there will be no addition or subtraction operators between terms. For example, 3x, 4xy, and 7 are all monomials.

A binomial is an algebraic expression that consists of two terms separated by either an addition or subtraction operator. Commonly, both terms in a binomial will have variables. For example, 2x + 5y, 3a - 2b, and 4x^2 - 9x are all binomials.

A trinomial is an algebraic expression that consists of three terms separated by addition or subtraction operators. Similar to binomials, trinomials will often include variables in each term. For example, 2x + 3y - z, a^2 - 5a + 6, and 3x^3 + 2x^2 - x are all trinomials.

Now, let's analyze the expression 5a + 2b. It has two terms, 5a and 2b, separated by addition. Therefore, 5a + 2b is a binomial.