How much does it cost to operate a 100 W lamp continuously for 1 week if the power utility rate is 8/kWh? answer in $

Energy = 100• 7•24 =1.68•10^4 W•h =

= 16.8 kW•h
16.8•0.08 = 1.34$

Thank you!!!

To calculate the cost of operating a 100 W lamp continuously for 1 week, we need to determine the total energy consumption and then multiply it by the power utility rate.

Step 1: Calculate the total energy consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh):
Since the lamp is 100 W, we can convert it to kilowatts by dividing it by 1000:
100 W / 1000 = 0.1 kW

To find the energy consumption over 1 week, we multiply the power (0.1 kW) by the number of hours in a week (24 hours/day * 7 days/week):
0.1 kW * (24 hours/day * 7 days/week) = 16.8 kWh

Step 2: Calculate the cost:
Now we can multiply the energy consumption (16.8 kWh) by the power utility rate ($8/kWh) to find the cost:
16.8 kWh * $8/kWh = $134.40

Therefore, it would cost $134.40 to operate a 100 W lamp continuously for 1 week at a power utility rate of $8/kWh.