which intermolecular forces would exist between molecules of:

a. H2S b. H2O c.O2 d. SiH4 e. HCl f. CH3Cl g. CO2 h. NH3

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To determine the intermolecular forces that exist between molecules, we need to consider the types of molecules and their molecular structures. Intermolecular forces include London dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces, and hydrogen bonding.

a. H2S (Hydrogen sulfide): H2S is a polar molecule due to the difference in electronegativity between hydrogen and sulfur. It forms dipole-dipole forces between its molecules.

b. H2O (Water): Water is a polar molecule due to the electronegativity difference between oxygen and hydrogen. It forms dipole-dipole forces and also exhibits hydrogen bonding due to the presence of hydrogen atoms bonded to an electronegative oxygen atom.

c. O2 (Oxygen): Oxygen gas (O2) is a nonpolar molecule because it consists of two oxygen atoms that share electrons equally. Hence, it only exhibits London dispersion forces, which are weak intermolecular forces caused by temporary shifts in electron density.

d. SiH4 (Silane): Silane is a nonpolar molecule because the electronegativity difference between silicon and hydrogen is minimal. It exhibits London dispersion forces due to temporary shifts in electron density.

e. HCl (Hydrogen chloride): HCl is a polar molecule since the hydrogen atom has a partial positive charge and the chlorine atom has a partial negative charge. It exhibits dipole-dipole forces between its molecules.

f. CH3Cl (Chloromethane): Chloromethane is a polar molecule because of the electronegativity difference between the chlorine atom and the carbon and hydrogen atoms. It exhibits dipole-dipole forces between its molecules.

g. CO2 (Carbon dioxide): Carbon dioxide is a nonpolar molecule because the oxygen atoms on either side of the central carbon atom pull the electron density towards them equally, resulting in a linear electron distribution. It only exhibits London dispersion forces.

h. NH3 (Ammonia): Ammonia is a polar molecule due to the electronegativity difference between nitrogen and hydrogen. It forms dipole-dipole forces between its molecules and also exhibits hydrogen bonding due to the presence of hydrogen atoms bonded to nitrogen atoms.