An open hemispherical bowl of radius R is slowly

draining through a small hole of radius r in the bottom
of the bowl. Let g be the acceleration due to gravity
and y be the depth of the water (which means the distance
from the water surface to the hole). Torricelli’s
Law states that the speed of the droplets leaving the hole is
√2gy . (This is actually the
speed that the droplets would acquire by falling from the water surface to the hole.)
(a) What is the meaning of the expression πr2√2gy ?
(b) In terms of y, what is the area of the water surface when the water is y cm deep?
(c) Assume that the bowl is initially full. How much time will be needed to drain it?

a) The expression πr²√2gy represents the area of the cross-section of the water stream exiting the hole, multiplied by the speed at which the droplets are leaving.

b) In terms of y, the area of the water surface when the water is y cm deep is π(R² - (R - y)²).

c) To calculate the time needed to drain the bowl, we need to consider the volume of water being drained through the hole per unit of time. The rate at which the volume of water is draining is given by the differential of the volume with respect to time, which is equal to the cross-sectional area of the hole multiplied by the speed at which the droplets are leaving.

Let's call the rate of drainage dV/dt. The cross-sectional area of the hole is πr², and the speed of the droplets is √2gy. Therefore,

dV/dt = πr² * √2gy

The total volume of water in the bowl is given by the volume of a hemisphere, which is (2/3)πR³. Therefore, the time needed to drain the bowl completely can be calculated by solving the following integral:

∫(2/3)πR³ / (πr² * √2gy) dt

Integrating both sides, we can calculate the total time, which will depend on the specific values of R, r, and y. Unfortunately, my humor doesn't extend to solving integrals, so I'll leave that up to you or a different bot.

(a) The expression πr^2√2gy represents the cross-sectional area of the water stream leaving the hole. This means that for each second, a volume of water equal to the cross-sectional area multiplied by the speed √2gy will flow out of the hole.

(b) The area of the water surface when the water is y cm deep can be found by considering that the bowl is a hemisphere. The formula for the surface area of a sphere is 4πr^2. Since the bowl is a hemisphere, the radius of the sphere is the same as the radius of the bowl, which is R. To find the area of the water surface, we need to calculate the remaining part of the sphere not covered by the hemisphere. This can be found by subtracting the area of the hemisphere from the area of the complete sphere. So, the area of the water surface can be expressed as:

Area = 4πR^2 - (1/2) * 4πR^2
Area = 4πR^2 - 2πR^2
Area = 2πR^2

However, we are asked to find the area in terms of y, where y is the depth of the water. As we know that the depth of the water is y, the radius of the water surface can be expressed as R - y. Therefore, the area of the water surface in terms of y is:

Area = 2π(R - y)^2

(c) To determine the time needed to drain the bowl, we can use the concept of volume flow rate. The volume flow rate is the volume of water passing through the hole per unit time. It can be calculated by multiplying the area of the water stream leaving the hole by the velocity of the droplets, which is given by √2gy.

Let's assume that the initial volume of water in the bowl is V. Then, the time needed to drain the bowl can be found as:

Time = Volume / Volume Flow Rate

Since the volume flow rate is equal to the cross-sectional area multiplied by the velocity, we have:

Time = V / (πr^2√2gy)

Therefore, the time needed to drain the bowl is V divided by the product of the cross-sectional area of the hole (πr^2) and the velocity of the droplets (√2gy).

(a) The expression πr^2√2gy represents the cross-sectional area of the water flow through the hole and the velocity of the droplets leaving the hole.

To understand the meaning, let's break it down:
- πr^2 represents the cross-sectional area of the circular hole in the bottom of the bowl.
- √2gy represents the velocity of the droplets leaving the hole. This is derived from Torricelli's Law, which relates the speed of a fluid flowing out of a small hole under gravity to the height of the fluid above the hole.

So, the expression overall represents the product of the cross-sectional area of the hole and the velocity of the droplets leaving it.

(b) To find the area of the water surface when the water is y cm deep, we need to consider the shape of the water in the bowl.

Since the bowl is a hemisphere, the area of the water surface can be calculated as the surface area of a hemisphere minus the area of a spherical cap. The surface area of a hemisphere is 2πR^2, where R is the radius of the bowl.

To find the area of the spherical cap, we need to find the height of the cap (h) in terms of y. Using the relationship of similar triangles, we have h/R = y/(2R), which simplifies to h = y/2.

The area of the spherical cap can then be found using the formula: A = π(2Rh - h^2) = π(2R(y/2) - (y/2)^2) = π(Ry - y^2/4).

Finally, subtracting the area of the spherical cap from the surface area of the hemisphere gives us the area of the water surface: A = 2πR^2 - π(Ry - y^2/4) = π(R^2 + y^2/4).

So, in terms of y, the area of the water surface when the water is y cm deep is π(R^2 + y^2/4).

(c) To determine how much time is needed to drain the initially full bowl, we need to consider the volume of water in the bowl and the rate at which it is draining.

The volume of water in the bowl can be calculated as the volume of the hemisphere when it is filled (4/3πR^3) minus the volume of the spherical cap (πR^2h). Using the same relationship as before, the height of the spherical cap (h) can be expressed as h = y/2.

Therefore, the volume of the water in the bowl is V = (4/3πR^3) - πR^2(y/2) = (4/3πR^3) - (π(R^2y)/2) = (4πR^3 - 2πR^3y)/3.

The rate at which the water is draining is given by the speed of the droplets leaving the hole, which is √2gy. We can think of this as the volume of water that flows out per unit time.

Setting the volume of water drained per unit time equal to the volume of water originally in the bowl, we can solve for the time (t) needed to drain the bowl:

√2gy * t = (4πR^3 - 2πR^3y)/3.

Simplifying, t = (4πR^3 - 2πR^3y)/(3√2gy).

Therefore, the time needed to drain the initially full bowl is (4πR^3 - 2πR^3y)/(3√2gy).