18 roses and 6 tulips coast $66. What is the unit price for each kind of flower?

You have omitted some necessary information. You need two equations to solve for two unknowns. Did they tell you the difference between the prices?

Roses could be $2 and tulips $5.
Roses could be $3 and tulips $2

To find the unit price for each kind of flower, you need to divide the total cost by the number of flowers for each kind.

Let's denote the cost of 18 roses as R and the cost of 6 tulips as T.

According to the information provided, we know that the cost of 18 roses and 6 tulips is $66.

So, we can write the equation:
18R + 6T = $66

To find the unit price for each kind of flower, we need to solve this equation.

Since there are no other details or information given, it is not possible to determine the exact prices for roses and tulips.

To find the unit price for each kind of flower, we need to divide the total cost by the number of flowers for each kind.

Let's start by determining the unit price for roses. From the given information, we know that 18 roses and 6 tulips cost $66. However, we don't know the specific price for each type of flower.

Let's assume the unit price for roses is "r" dollars and for tulips is "t" dollars.

The cost of roses would be given by multiplying the unit price of roses (r) by the number of roses (18). So, the cost of roses can be written as 18r dollars.

Similarly, the cost of tulips would be given by multiplying the unit price of tulips (t) by the number of tulips (6). Hence, the cost of tulips can be expressed as 6t dollars.

Since the total cost is $66, we can write the equation: 18r + 6t = 66.

Now, assuming all the flowers are the same price, we can solve this equation.

Since we don't have any more information to solve for r and t individually, we can find the unit prices by dividing the total cost by the number of flowers.

Unit price of roses (r) = Total cost / Number of roses = $66 / 18 = $3.67 per rose.

Unit price of tulips (t) = Total cost / Number of tulips = $66 / 6 = $11 per tulip.

Therefore, the unit price for each rose is $3.67, and the unit price for each tulip is $11.