Bren sets the table. He takes a square napkin and folds it in half. He makes a triangle. What two names can you use to describe the triangle?

isosceles right triangle.

Isosceles and right triangle

To describe the triangle created by folding the square napkin, there are two common names you can use: right triangle and isosceles right triangle.

1. Right Triangle: A right triangle is a triangle that has one angle measuring 90 degrees (a right angle). When Bren folds the napkin in half, one of the resulting angles will be a right angle, forming a right triangle.

2. Isosceles Right Triangle: An isosceles right triangle is a special type of right triangle where two sides are of equal length, and the third side (the hypotenuse) is longer. Since Bren folds the square napkin in half, the resulting triangle will have two equal sides, making it an isosceles right triangle.