The improper fraction 24/7 can be written as what mixed number? _______ (separate the whole number part from the fractional part with a space.... Write the answer like 4 5/6)

is the answer 3 3/7

You are exactly right:)

Sounds good to me!

To convert the improper fraction 24/7 into a mixed number, you need to divide the numerator (24) by the denominator (7).

When you divide 24 by 7, you get a quotient of 3 and a remainder of 3.

The quotient (3) becomes the whole number part of the mixed number. The remainder (3) becomes the numerator of the fractional part. The denominator (7) remains the same.

Therefore, the improper fraction 24/7 can be written as the mixed number 3 3/7.

So, your answer of 3 3/7 is correct!