
Solve for R. Simplify

To solve for R in the equation I = nE/R + nr and simplify the expression, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by isolating the term with R on one side of the equation. Subtract nr from both sides to obtain:

I - nr = nE/R

Step 2: Next, multiply both sides by R to eliminate the fraction:

R(I - nr) = nE

Step 3: Distribute R to both terms inside the parentheses:

RI - nrR = nE

Step 4: Move the term with R to the other side of the equation by adding nrR to both sides:

RI = nE + nrR

Step 5: Factor R out of the right side of the equation:

RI = nE + R(nr)

Step 6: Now, we can factor R out of the equation:

R(I - nr) = nE

Step 7: Finally, divide both sides of the equation by (I - nr) to solve for R:

R = nE / (I - nr)

This is the simplified form of the equation after solving for R.