Hi, I really need help and I want to do very good on the test! I have to translate poems which are written by Native American writers and which describes their way of life. However, I am having a hard time understanding their meanings and they are a lot. Please help me & tell me a websites that can teach me how to understand poems when reading one!

thank you!




Of course! I'm here to help. Understanding and interpreting poems can sometimes be challenging, especially when it comes to poetry from different cultures and perspectives. To improve your understanding, I suggest exploring the following websites:

1. Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org): This website is a great resource for all things poetry. It includes a vast collection of poems from various cultures and provides analysis, interpretations, and articles to help you delve deeper into their meanings.

2. Academy of American Poets (www.poets.org): This website features a comprehensive collection of poems by American poets, including Native American writers. It provides biographies and critical analyses, which can assist you in understanding the context and themes of their work.

3. Poetry Archive (www.poetryarchive.org): The Poetry Archive offers an extensive collection of recorded poems by native speakers, including many different voices from around the world. Listening to the poems being read can help you grasp their rhythm, emotions, and intended meanings.

4. YouTube: In addition to these websites, you can often find video readings and discussions about poems on YouTube. Many poetry enthusiasts and professionals share their insights and interpretations, allowing you to gain different perspectives.

When reading a poem, it's important to first take your time and read it multiple times. Pay attention to the imagery, metaphors, and any specific language used. Look up unfamiliar words or phrases to gain a better understanding. Consider the poet's background, historical context, and cultural influences, as these can impact the poem's meaning.

Remember, interpreting poetry can be subjective, so trust your own instincts and responses. Discussing the poem with others, such as classmates or teachers, can also deepen your understanding and provide different viewpoints.

Good luck with your translations and your test!