Can you explain what a conflict is for a book report.

Generally, conflict occurs as one of these:

1. Man against man as the protagonist's needs or wants are thwarted by one or more other people.
2. Man against nature as the protagonist has to fight nature (wild animals or harsh environment) to stay alive.
3. Man against himself as the protagonist fights his own desires or temptations to achieve a favorable ending.

This article explains conflict a little differently.

There's a really good explanation here -- read the tiny print, and listen to the audio.

Certainly! In the context of a book report, a conflict refers to the problem or struggle that the main character or characters face. It is the central issue that drives the plot forward and creates tension and challenges for the protagonist.

To identify the conflict in a book, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: The first step is to thoroughly read the book, paying attention to the key events, character interactions, and challenges that occur.

2. Identify the protagonist: Determine who the main character or characters are in the story. This is usually the person whose journey or growth is the focus of the book.

3. Determine the main problem or struggle: Look for the major obstacles, challenges, or dilemmas faced by the main character(s). These conflicts can be internal (within the character's own thoughts and emotions) or external (between characters, society, or nature).

4. Analyze the conflict: Consider the nature of the conflict and what it means for the protagonist(s). Does it involve a struggle for survival, overcoming a personal fear, resolving a moral dilemma, or achieving a specific goal? Understanding the significance of the conflict will help you analyze the book and develop your report effectively.

5. Provide evidence: To support your analysis, cite specific examples from the book that demonstrate the conflict. This could be key dialogue, actions of the characters, or significant events.

By following these steps and engaging deeply with the book, you will be able to identify and explain the conflict in your book report effectively.