(1-7) write each function in vertex form (8-10) write each funtion in standard form?

1) Y=x^2+3x-10
2) Y=x^2-9x
3) Y=X^2+x
4) Y=x^2+5x+4
5) Y=4x^2+8x-3
6) Y=(3/4)x^2+9x
7) Y=-2x^2+2x+1
8) Y=(x-3)^2+1
9) Y=2(x-1)^2-3

I'll do a couple. You try the rest, and come on back if you get stuck. Homework dumps not appreciated.

y = x^2 + 3x - 10
y = (x^2 + 3x + (3/2)^2) - 10 - (3/2)^2
y = (x + 3/2)^2 - 49/4

y = 3/4 (x^2 + 12x)
y = 3/4(x^2 + 12x + 36) - 3/4 * 36
y = 3/4 (x+6)^2 - 27

y = -3(x-4)^2 + 1
y = -3(x^2 - 8x + 16) + 1
y = -3x^2 + 24x - 47