Researchers have also found differences in public opinion by ethinicity and race. In general,_________, are significantly more likely than African Americans to favor cuts in government spending.

1. Asian Americans
2. Latino Americans
3. White Americans
Answer is :Asian American.
Am i right .

I don't know what your book says, but I think White Americans are more likely to favor government spending cuts.

Book does not say anything . But please can you tell me any reason why Asian don't favor.

More Asian-Americans vote Democrat than Republican.


You're welcome.

Yes, you are correct. Asian Americans are generally more likely than African Americans to favor cuts in government spending. This information is based on research that has found differences in public opinion by ethnicity and race.

To arrive at this answer, researchers have conducted surveys and analyzed data from various sources such as national polls, census data, and other research studies. These findings show that, on average, Asian Americans tend to have opinions that align more closely with favoring cuts in government spending compared to African Americans. It is important to note that these findings are based on general trends and there is variability within each racial or ethnic group.