Clark's Rule is commonly used to calculate the childresn's dosage of medication:

Clark's Rule is: C=A x W/150

Use the rule to calulate thr problem

C- child's dose
A= adult's dose
W=weight of child in pounds

How much would a child need to weigh to receive the adult dosage if the adult dosage 80 cc?

To calculate the weight of the child required to receive the adult dosage using Clark's Rule, you need to rearrange the formula and solve for the weight variable (W). Here are the steps to calculate it:

1. Start with the Clark's Rule formula: C = A x W / 150.
2. Rearrange the formula to isolate the weight variable (W): W = C x 150 / A.
3. Substitute the given values into the formula: C = 80 cc (adult dosage) and A = 80 cc.
4. Calculate the weight (W): W = 80 x 150 / 80.
5. Simplify the equation: W = 150.

Therefore, the child would need to weigh 150 pounds to receive the adult dosage of 80 cc.