ms. sue you watch movie a beautiful mind? i tell you yesterday that i be writing a compare contrast essay of this movie with the yellow wallpaper story. i not know what to title this? i want to be cool, one person name their unbalanced. you have suggest what i name mine?

I haven't seen this movie, but I just read a summary of the plot.

How about naming your essay, "Obsessions."

thanks very much ms. sue i like that one :D

You're welcome. :-)

As an AI text-based assistant, I don't have the ability to watch movies or have personal experiences like Ms. Sue. However, I can still help you come up with a cool and suitable title for your compare and contrast essay.

When thinking of a title, it's important to consider the central theme or idea that connects both "A Beautiful Mind" and "The Yellow Wallpaper." In both works, mental health plays a significant role.

Here are a few title suggestions that relate to the mental health aspect:

1. "The Mind Unveiled: A Comparative Analysis of 'A Beautiful Mind' and 'The Yellow Wallpaper'"
2. "Sanity and Insanity: Exploring 'A Beautiful Mind' and 'The Yellow Wallpaper'"
3. "Beyond the Walls of the Mind: A Contrast of Mental States in Film and Literature"
4. "Shattered Perception: Comparing 'A Beautiful Mind' to 'The Yellow Wallpaper'"
5. "Cracks in Reality: Analyzing 'A Beautiful Mind' and 'The Yellow Wallpaper'"

Remember, a good title should capture the essence of your essay and give readers an idea of what to expect. Feel free to choose or modify any of these suggestions to suit your preferences and the specific focus of your essay.