Megan wants to determine if an electrical circuit has electricity flowing through it. Which of the following evidence is proof that the circuit has an electrical current?

a)The circuit is a closed loop.

b)A light bulb is lit in the circuit.

c)The circuit's switch is in the closed position.

d)Wires in the circuit are made of conducting material.

please help me this is urgent.

A light bulb is lit in the circuit


To determine if an electrical circuit has electricity flowing through it, Megan can consider multiple pieces of evidence. Let's analyze the options provided:

a) The circuit is a closed loop.
This evidence suggests that the circuit is complete and intact, allowing the flow of electricity. However, it does not specifically prove the presence of an electrical current.

b) A light bulb is lit in the circuit.
If the light bulb is lit, it indicates that electricity is flowing through the circuit, making this evidence a strong indication of the presence of an electrical current.

c) The circuit's switch is in the closed position.
Having the switch in the closed position allows current to flow within the circuit, which is necessary for electricity to be present. However, this evidence alone does not confirm the actual presence of current.

d) Wires in the circuit are made of conducting material.
Using conducting materials for the wires is essential for facilitating the flow of electricity. However, this evidence only establishes that the circuit is designed to conduct electricity effectively and does not directly prove the presence of current.

Based on the provided evidence, option b) - a lit light bulb in the circuit - is the most convincing proof that the circuit has an electrical current. When there is a complete circuit, the switch is closed, and a conducting material is utilized, the lit light bulb confirms the actual flow of electricity.