Find the formula for piecewise function

f(x) = ____ if x < or equal to -1

____ if -1 < x < or equal to 2

____ if x > 2


I got -1, x, and 2. Am I right?

no idea - don't see any graph here.

To find the formula for the piecewise function, we need to determine the values of f(x) depending on the given conditions. Let's analyze each condition separately:

1. For x ≤ -1:
In this case, the function f(x) takes a specific value. Let's say it is "a". So, the formula for this part is: f(x) = a.

2. For -1 < x ≤ 2:
Similar to the previous condition, the function f(x) takes a different value in this range. Let's call it "b". So, the formula for this part is: f(x) = b.

3. For x > 2:
Again, the function f(x) takes another value in this range. Let's call it "c". So, the formula for this part is: f(x) = c.

Now, you mentioned that you got -1, x, and 2. Unfortunately, that is not the correct answer. Those are just the boundary values of the ranges, not the values that f(x) takes within each range. Thus, you will need to replace "a", "b", and "c" with the actual values.

To determine these values, you will need more information. Are there any additional conditions or equations given in the problem? If yes, we need that information to proceed.