The right triangular flag of a sports club was designed to have a base length of 4 ft and height of 6 ft. For a sports event, the club made a new flag by doubling the base and height of the flag.

The area of the new flag is ______ times larger than the original flag.

I am thinking it is four. I thinking it wrong. can i get some help to lead me on the right path please

A = (6 * 4)/2

A = 12 sq. ft

A = (12 * 8)/2
A = 48

You're right. The new flag has four times the area as the original flag.



6 is the area

Of course! Let's work through this problem step by step to find the correct answer.

To find the area of each flag, we can use the formula for the area of a triangle, which is:

Area = (base * height) / 2

Let's start by finding the area of the original flag.

Base length of the original flag = 4 ft
Height of the original flag = 6 ft

Using the formula for the area of a triangle:

Area of the original flag = (4 ft * 6 ft) / 2 = 12 ft²

Now, let's find the area of the new flag. We are told that the base and height of the new flag are doubled compared to the original flag.

Base length of the new flag = 4 ft * 2 = 8 ft
Height of the new flag = 6 ft * 2 = 12 ft

Using the formula for the area of a triangle:

Area of the new flag = (8 ft * 12 ft) / 2 = 48 ft²

Now, to find how many times larger the area of the new flag is compared to the original flag, we can divide the area of the new flag by the area of the original flag:

48 ft² / 12 ft² = 4

Therefore, the area of the new flag is 4 times larger than the original flag.

So, your initial intuition was correct! The area of the new flag is indeed four times larger than the original flag.