How many codes consisting of a letter followed by 3 digits can be made if no digit can be used more than once?


This assumes the letter "O" is allowed. Often it is not, because of confusion with zero. IT also assumes case of the letters is indifferent. If case masters, then A and a will be different, so you double the number of codes available.

can you tell me how you got 9 and 8?

I get it 26 alphabets.
10 digits.

To find the number of codes consisting of a letter followed by 3 digits, where no digit can be used more than once, we need to consider the following:

1. Choose a letter: There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, so we have 26 choices for the letter.

2. Choose the first digit: There are 10 digits from 0 to 9. Since no digit can be used more than once, we have 10 choices for the first digit.

3. Choose the second digit: After choosing the first digit, there are only 9 digits left to choose from (excluding the digit already chosen). Therefore, we have 9 choices for the second digit.

4. Choose the third digit: After choosing the first and second digits, there are only 8 digits left to choose from. Hence, we have 8 choices for the third digit.

To find the total number of codes, we multiply the number of choices together:

Total number of codes = Number of letter choices × Number of choices for the first digit × Number of choices for the second digit × Number of choices for the third digit

Total number of codes = 26 × 10 × 9 × 8

Therefore, there are 26 × 10 × 9 × 8 = 18,720 different codes that can be made.

To find out how many codes consisting of a letter followed by 3 digits can be made, we need to consider two things: the number of letters and the number of digits.

1. Number of letters: There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.

2. Number of digits: Since no digit can be used more than once, we have to consider the counting principle of combinations. For the first digit, we have 10 options (0-9). For the second digit, once we have selected one digit, we can only choose from the remaining 9 digits. Similarly, for the third digit, since we have selected two digits, we can only choose from the remaining 8 digits.

To find the total number of codes, we multiply the number of options for each part. Therefore, the total number of codes can be calculated as follows:

26 (number of letters) * 10 (number of options for the first digit) * 9 (number of options for the second digit) * 8 (number of options for the third digit)

Multiplying these values gives us the final answer:

26 * 10 * 9 * 8 = 18,720

Therefore, there are 18,720 codes consisting of a letter followed by 3 digits if no digit can be used more than once.