what is the Gerund phrase and Noun function in these sentences?

1)Writing a research paper sounds difficult.
2)He must like studying calculus.
3)Her favorite pastime is entertaining friends.
4)Water skiing, sailing, and swimming are my favorite summer sports.
5)I enjoy playing the piano.
6)She is successful in mimicking others' voices.
7)Writing a research paper sounds difficult

Jason/Cody -- please do not keep posting the same question.


Gerund phrase:

she is successful
mimicking other's voices
successful in mimicking

Noun function:
object of the preposition
predicate noun
direct object

To identify the gerund phrase and noun function in each of these sentences, we need to understand the structure and purpose of gerunds and nouns.

A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun. It is formed by adding "-ing" to the base form of a verb. Gerunds can act as subjects, objects, or objects of prepositions.

A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can serve different functions in a sentence, such as subjects, objects, or complements.

Let's analyze each sentence:

1) Writing a research paper sounds difficult.
- Gerund phrase: Writing a research paper
- Noun function: Subject of the sentence

2) He must like studying calculus.
- Gerund phrase: Studying calculus
- Noun function: Object of the verb "like"

3) Her favorite pastime is entertaining friends.
- Gerund phrase: Entertaining friends
- Noun function: Subject complement (renames the subject "Her favorite pastime")

4) Water skiing, sailing, and swimming are my favorite summer sports.
- Gerund phrase: Water skiing, sailing, and swimming
- Noun function: Subject of the sentence

5) I enjoy playing the piano.
- Gerund phrase: Playing the piano
- Noun function: Object of the verb "enjoy"

6) She is successful in mimicking others' voices.
- Gerund phrase: Mimicking others' voices
- Noun function: Object of the preposition "in"

7) Writing a research paper sounds difficult.
- Gerund phrase: Writing a research paper
- Noun function: Subject of the sentence

By breaking down the sentences and identifying the gerund phrases and the functions of the nouns, we can better understand how they work within the sentence structure.