Doug is staning at (2, 1).Susan is standing (1, 2).Who is farther to the right?How do you know?

The larger x values are to the right

Doug is standing (2,1).Susan is standing (1,2).Who is farther to the right? How do you know?

To determine who is farther to the right between Doug and Susan, we need to compare their x-coordinates.

Doug's position is given as (2,1), where 2 is the x-coordinate and 1 is the y-coordinate.

Susan's position is given as (1,2), where 1 is the x-coordinate and 2 is the y-coordinate.

Since Doug has an x-coordinate of 2 and Susan has an x-coordinate of 1, we can conclude that Doug is farther to the right. This is because in a Cartesian coordinate system, higher values on the x-axis represent positions to the right.