4. A major problem in relations between Israel and the Arab states was the

a. resettlement of Palestinian refugees
b. failure to develop trade agreements
c. status of Jerusalem as an open city
d. level of influence Great Britain still exercised

6. The writers of the Beat Generation
a. believed in traditional literary forms
b. supported American commercialism
c. attacked American commercialism and rejected traditional literary forms
d. wrote novels and poetry that emphasized the beauty of nature

10. Since independence, in most Latin countries
a. elected governments have been overthrown by a military coup d'etat
b. elected governments have continued to function peacefully
c. socialist governments have come to power in most countries
d. communist governments have taken power

17. Former Nazi leaders were tried at Nuremburg by
a. a United States military tribunal
b. the courts of the new West German government
c. a special international court
d. the United Nations International Court of Justice


I agree with all of your answers except for 10. Please check your text book.



Does your book say socialist governments?

Some Latin American governments have fallen to military coups. However, I don't know if your textbook author considers that "most."

4. To determine the correct answer for this question, you need to have some knowledge about the major problems in relations between Israel and the Arab states. One way to find this information is by researching historical events and conflicts between these nations. You can consult credible historical sources, books, articles, or reliable websites that discuss the relationship between Israel and the Arab states. By examining these sources, you will come across information that will help you identify the major problem in their relations. In this case, the correct answer is c. status of Jerusalem as an open city, as it has been a significant point of contention between Israel and the Arab states.

6. To find the correct answer to this question, it is essential to understand the beliefs and actions of the writers of the Beat Generation. You can start by researching about the key members of the Beat Generation, such as Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs. Read their works, interviews, and biographies to gain insight into their literary style and ideologies. By analyzing their writings, you will be able to determine that the correct answer is c. attacked American commercialism and rejected traditional literary forms, as the Beat Generation writers criticized mainstream society and experimented with new forms of expression.

10. To answer this question accurately, you need to be familiar with the political landscape of Latin American countries since their independence. Research the histories and developments of different Latin American countries after achieving independence from colonial powers. Examine the political systems, instances of government overthrow, and the general stability of elected governments in these countries. By gathering this information, you will be able to determine that the correct answer is b. elected governments have continued to function peacefully, as many Latin American countries have maintained stability and democratic processes in their governments since gaining independence.

17. To identify the correct answer regarding the Nuremberg trials, you should research the legal proceedings that took place after World War II to hold Nazi leaders accountable. Look for information about the location, jurisdiction, and participants of the Nuremberg trials. By examining reliable historical sources, you will find that the correct answer is c. a special international court, as the Nuremberg trials were conducted by an international tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany.

Please note that while these explanations provide guidance on how to find the answer to each question, the actual answers provided (C, C, B, C) are given based on the general knowledge of the topics and may vary depending on the specific context or interpretation.