Which of the followinh is Not an example of persuasive writing?

a position paper from an elected official
a college admissions essay
a movie review
a summary of a textbook reading assessment (answer)

Which of the following is a hasty generalization?

Playing football gives you concusssions (answer)
Some video game players don't get enough exercise
Many breeds of dogs are gentle and loyal
fte, the team with the best defense wins championships

I agree with both your answers.

To determine which of the options is NOT an example of persuasive writing, we need to understand the nature of persuasive writing and then analyze each option. Persuasive writing is a type of writing that aims to convince or persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint, opinion, or stance on a certain topic. It often utilizes rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques to make a compelling argument.

Now let's analyze each option to identify the example that does not fit the criteria of persuasive writing.

1. A position paper from an elected official: Position papers from elected officials are often written to present their opinions on specific issues to persuade others to support their viewpoint. This fits the description of persuasive writing.

2. A college admissions essay: College admissions essays are written with the intent to convince the admissions committee that the applicant is a suitable candidate for admission. They typically aim to persuade by highlighting the applicant's qualifications, experiences, and unique qualities. This fits the description of persuasive writing.

3. A movie review: While movie reviews can express the reviewer's opinions and evaluations of a film, they are not necessarily intended to persuade the reader to adopt a specific opinion. They primarily provide an analysis and critique of the movie, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, a movie review does not necessarily fall under the category of persuasive writing.

4. A summary of a textbook reading assessment: Textbook assessments generally involve summarizing and analyzing the content of a textbook without an explicit intent to persuade the reader. Therefore, a summary of a textbook reading assessment is not an example of persuasive writing.

Based on this analysis, the option that is NOT an example of persuasive writing is "a summary of a textbook reading assessment."

Moving on to the second question, which asks about a hasty generalization, let's first define what a hasty generalization is. A hasty generalization is a logical fallacy in which a conclusion is drawn from insufficient or limited evidence.

Now, let's analyze the provided options to identify the example of a hasty generalization:

1. Playing football gives you concussions: This statement is a hasty generalization because it draws a conclusion based on a limited sample. While playing football may lead to an increased risk of concussions, it does not apply to everyone who plays the sport.

2. Some video game players don't get enough exercise: This statement does not fit the definition of a hasty generalization. It acknowledges that only some video game players do not get enough exercise, without making an overgeneralized conclusion.

3. Many breeds of dogs are gentle and loyal: This statement does not fit the definition of a hasty generalization. It uses the word "many" to suggest that not all breeds of dogs are universally gentle and loyal.

4. fte, the team with the best defense wins championships: This statement does not fit the definition of a hasty generalization. It presents a correlation between having the best defense and winning championships, without oversimplifying or making an unsupported conclusion.

Therefore, the example of a hasty generalization is "Playing football gives you concussions."