michelle weighs 900 N. How much pressure does she apply when she stands on her head, if the part of her head touching the floor has a radius of 2cm?

To calculate the pressure exerted by Michelle when she stands on her head, you need to apply the formula:

Pressure = Force / Area

First, convert the weight of Michelle from Newtons (N) to kilograms (kg). Since the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s², the weight in kilograms can be determined by dividing the weight in Newtons by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²):

Weight in kg = Weight in N / Acceleration due to gravity

Weight in kg = 900 N / 9.8 m/s²

Next, calculate the area of the part of her head touching the floor. Since it is given that the radius is 2 cm, you need to convert it to meters by dividing by 100:

Radius in meters = Radius in cm / 100

Radius in meters = 2 cm / 100

Then, calculate the area of the circle using the formula:

Area = π * Radius²

Area = π * (Radius in meters)²

Now, you can substitute the weight in kg and the area into the pressure formula:

Pressure = Weight in kg / Area

Finally, calculate the pressure:

Pressure = Weight in kg / Area

Note: Ensure that the units of weight and area are consistent; if not, convert them as necessary.

So, by following these steps, you can calculate the pressure Michelle applies on the floor when she stands on her head.