Suppose you are an analyst developing a new executive information system intended to provide key strategic information from existing corporate databases to senior executives to help in their decision making. What type of metholodogy would you use?

As an analyst developing a new executive information system, the methodology you choose will play a crucial role in the success of the project. One commonly used methodology for developing information systems is the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC provides a structured and systematic approach to the entire development process.

In the context of developing an executive information system, I would suggest using the following steps of the SDLC methodology:

1. Planning: This initial phase involves identifying the project objectives, understanding the requirements of the senior executives, and defining the scope of the information system. You will need to gather information about the existing corporate databases, the type of strategic information needed, and any specific functionalities or features required.

2. Analysis: In this phase, you will analyze the current corporate databases, assess the data quality and availability, and identify any gaps or limitations. You will also conduct interviews or surveys with senior executives to understand their decision-making needs in more detail. This analysis will help you define the data sources and structure for the executive information system.

3. Design: Based on the analysis, you will design the information system's architecture, including data models, user interface, and system components. This step involves creating data schemas, deciding on data integration strategies, and designing reports or visualizations to present the strategic information to executives effectively. Collaboration with stakeholders and the use of prototyping techniques can be beneficial during this phase.

4. Development: Once the design phase is complete, you can proceed with the system's actual development. This involves writing code, integrating databases, and implementing the defined functionalities. Agile development methodologies can be helpful in managing the development process, allowing you to iterate, test, and gain feedback from stakeholders throughout the development cycle.

5. Testing: After the development is complete, the system must go through rigorous testing to ensure its reliability, security, and accuracy. This includes unit testing, integration testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing. Make sure to involve the senior executives in the testing phase to validate the system's ability to deliver the desired strategic information effectively.

6. Implementation: Once the system has been thoroughly tested and approved, it is ready for deployment. This involves installing the system, migrating data if necessary, and training the senior executives and other end-users on how to use the new executive information system. User documentation and support mechanisms should be in place to facilitate a smooth transition.

7. Maintenance: The final phase of the SDLC methodology involves maintaining and enhancing the executive information system over time. This includes monitoring system performance, addressing user feedback, and making necessary updates or improvements based on changing requirements or technology advancements.

By following a methodology like SDLC, you can ensure a systematic and structured approach to developing your executive information system, increasing the chances of its success in delivering key strategic information to senior executives.