The average of two numbers is 34. The first number is three times the second number. what are the two numbers?

If x = one number, then the other is 3x.

(x + 3x)/2 = 34

Solve for x.

Let's call the second number x. According to the given information, the first number is three times the second number, which means it is 3x.

We know that the average of these two numbers is 34. To find the average, we add the numbers together and divide by 2:

(3x + x) / 2 = 34

Simplifying this equation, we combine like terms:

4x / 2 = 34

Now, we can solve for x by multiplying both sides of the equation by 2:

4x = 68

Divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate x:

x = 68 / 4

Simplifying this, we find:

x = 17

So the second number is 17. To find the first number, we multiply the second number by 3:

3 * 17 = 51

Therefore, the two numbers are 51 and 17.

To find the two numbers, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's call the second number "x".

Since the first number is three times the second number, the first number can be expressed as "3x".

Given that the average of the two numbers is 34, we can set up the following equation:

(3x + x) / 2 = 34

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "x".

First, simplify the equation:

4x / 2 = 34

2x = 34

Next, isolate "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 34 / 2

x = 17

Therefore, the second number is 17.

To find the first number, substitute the value of "x" back into the equation:

First number = 3 * x = 3 * 17 = 51

Therefore, the two numbers are 51 and 17.