to grow larger, arthropods must

A grow a new endoskeleton.
B grow a new exoskeleton.
C add to the old endoskeleton.
D add to the old exoskeleton.
is it B?


Yes, the correct answer is B: grow a new exoskeleton. Arthropods, such as insects, spiders, and crustaceans, possess an exoskeleton, which is a hard external skeleton made of chitin. As arthropods grow, their exoskeleton becomes too small to accommodate their increasing body size. To accommodate their growth, they must molt, which is the process of shedding their old exoskeleton and replacing it with a new, larger one. During molting, arthropods secrete a new exoskeleton underneath their old one. They then shed their old exoskeleton and harden the new one, allowing them to continue growing larger.