can you show me step by step how to convert in.Hg to atm

Certainly! To convert inches of mercury (in.Hg) to atmospheres (atm), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Conversion Factor
1 atm is equal to 29.92 in.Hg. This means that to convert from in.Hg to atm, you will divide the value in inches of mercury by 29.92.

Step 2: Set up the Conversion Equation
The conversion equation is: atm = in.Hg ÷ 29.92

Step 3: Plug in the Value in Inches of Mercury
For example, let's say we want to convert 20 in.Hg to atm. Using the conversion equation, we can substitute the value: atm = 20 ÷ 29.92

Step 4: Perform the Calculation
Now perform the division: atm = 0.668 atm

Step 5: Round the Answer (if necessary)
Depending on the desired level of precision, you may want to round the answer. In this case, the answer would be 0.67 atm.

That's it! You have successfully converted inches of mercury (in.Hg) to atmospheres (atm) using the given conversion factor.