Charlotte is building a dollhouse that is a scale replica of her own house. One of the windows on the front of the house is 105 cm wide and 126cm high. On the dollhouse, the window is 7cm wide

a)write a scale statement for the dollhouse?

b)what scale factor is charlotte using to build the dollhouse?

c)What is the height of the window on the dollhouse?

The questions are hard and if you could show me how to get the answer please do.


105/7 = 15


Scale = 1 cm = 15 cm

c) 126 / 15 = 8.4

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Why did the window go to therapy? It had issues with its scale! But don't worry, I'll help you figure it out.

a) The scale statement for the dollhouse would be: 1 cm on the dollhouse represents 15 cm on the real house.

b) To find the scale factor, divide the width of the real house window by the width of the dollhouse window. So, 105 cm ÷ 7 cm = 15. Charlotte is using a scale factor of 15 to build the dollhouse.

c) To find the height of the window on the dollhouse, multiply the scale factor by the height of the real house window. So, 15 × 126 cm = 1890 cm. The height of the window on the dollhouse is 1890 cm.

Remember, when it comes to scaling down, it's all about proportion. And with a little math, you'll have the dollhouse window looking just right!

a) To write a scale statement for the dollhouse, you need to compare the measurements of the window on the dollhouse to the actual window on Charlotte's house. Let's denote the measurements as follows:

- Actual window width: W1
- Actual window height: H1
- Dollhouse window width: W2
- Dollhouse window height: H2

The scale statement can be written as:
"The dollhouse window is W2 cm wide and H2 cm high, which is a scale replica of the actual window that is W1 cm wide and H1 cm high."

b) To determine the scale factor Charlotte is using to build the dollhouse, we need to compare the corresponding measurements of the actual window and the dollhouse window. Let's use the formula:

Scale Factor = Dollhouse Measurement / Actual Measurement

For the width of the window:
Scale Factor (width) = W2 / W1

For the height of the window:
Scale Factor (height) = H2 / H1

c) To calculate the height of the window on the dollhouse, we can use the scale factor obtained in part b. We know that the width of the dollhouse window is 7 cm, and the scale factor for width is Scale Factor (width).

Using the formula:

Height of the dollhouse window = Scale Factor (height) * Actual window height

Substituting values:
Height of the dollhouse window = Scale Factor (height) * 126 cm

Please provide the actual width and height of the window on Charlotte's house to compute the scale factor and the height of the window on the dollhouse accurately.