Why did Ratcliffe replace the original president?

Thanks to PsyDAG for posting this answer almost 6 years ago.

"Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under "Smith Ratcliffe Native American to get these possible sources:


Without further inbformation, I am assuming that you want information on the real story of Pocahontas and Jamestown rather than the Disney one.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking."

Also -- http://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1265390000

To understand why Ratcliffe replaced the original president, one would need to gather information about the specific event or situation in which this replacement occurred. Without any context or historical references, it is difficult to provide an accurate answer. However, I can explain a general process to help you find the answer to your question.

1. Identify the specific event: Start by finding out the event or situation when the replacement took place. Look for any relevant information such as names, dates, or locations that can help you identify the incident.

2. Conduct background research: Once you have identified the event, gather background information about the original president and Ratcliffe. Look for details related to their roles, responsibilities, and any significant events or controversies associated with them.

3. Explore reliable sources: Consult credible sources such as news articles, books, academic papers, or official reports. These sources should provide reliable information and insights about the circumstances leading to the replacement.

4. Analyze available information: Carefully read and assess the information you have gathered. Look for patterns, connections, and differences between the original president and Ratcliffe that might shed light on the reasons behind the replacement.

5. Consider multiple perspectives: It is essential to consider different viewpoints or perspectives on the event. This can help you develop a comprehensive understanding of the situation and avoid bias.

By following these steps, you can gather the necessary information to understand why Ratcliffe replaced the original president in the specific context you are referring to.