1. Find a line that shows that Mr. Covey did not care that Douglass was too sick to work. (Chapter 10)

2. Find a line that shows that Master Thomas did not believe Douglass’ complaint against Mr. Covey. (Chapter 10)
3. Find a line that shows that Mr. Covey was scared of Douglass. (Chapter 10)
4. Find a line that shows that Douglass enjoyed teaching other slaves to read. (Chapter 10)
5. Find a line that shows that Douglass remained calm and collected when caught trying to escape. (Chapter 10)
6. Find a line that shows that Douglass was pleased with Master Hugh’s reaction to the story of the beating at the shipyard. (Chapter 10)
7. Find a line that shows that Douglass resented handing over his hard earned money to Master Hugh. (Chapter 10)
8. Find a line that shows that Douglass was determined to make his final escape attempt work. (Chapter 11)
9. Find a line which shows that Douglass did not feel at ease even when he made it to freedom. (Chapter 11)
10. Find a line that shows that Douglass unfavorably compared the slave labor of the South with the paid labor of the North. (Chapter 11)

Look up on Wikipedia for Frederick Douglass! Please do this for me! Thank you!

This site should help you find the answers.


really? I thought you were a tutor. That should help you solve my questions. So Please do them. Thank you! :)

Bell -- tutors HELP students. They do not do their work for them.

I'm a teacher and I wouldn't dream of depriving you of an education. If I gave you the answers, you wouldn't learn to be an independent learner. You'd stay ignorant.

I apologize for the confusion, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot browse the internet or access specific external sources like Wikipedia. However, I can try to help you find the answers to the questions based on the information provided.

Here are possible approaches to finding the specified lines in the book "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" by Frederick Douglass:

1. To find a line that shows Mr. Covey did not care that Douglass was too sick to work, you can search Chapter 10 of the book and look for descriptions or events where Mr. Covey disregarded Douglass' illness or forced him to work despite being unwell.

2. To find a line that shows Master Thomas did not believe Douglass' complaint against Mr. Covey, search Chapter 10 for any conversation or interaction between Douglass and Master Thomas where the latter expresses skepticism or disbelief towards Douglass' complaint.

3. To find a line that shows Mr. Covey was scared of Douglass, search Chapter 10 for instances where Douglass demonstrates power or intimidates Mr. Covey, leading to his fear or apprehension.

4. To find a line that shows Douglass enjoyed teaching other slaves to read, search Chapter 10 for passages or descriptions where Douglass expresses happiness, satisfaction, or fulfillment from teaching fellow slaves to read.

5. To find a line that shows Douglass remained calm and collected when caught trying to escape, search Chapter 10 for any descriptions or dialogue that indicate Douglass' state of mind or behavior during his capture or confrontation.

6. To find a line that shows Douglass was pleased with Master Hugh's reaction to the story of the beating at the shipyard, search Chapter 10 for passages where Douglass recounts Master Hugh's response or any expressions of satisfaction or approval from Douglass.

7. To find a line that shows Douglass resented handing over his hard-earned money to Master Hugh, search Chapter 10 for any instances where Douglass expresses frustration, annoyance, or anger towards having to give up his wages to his former master.

8. To find a line that shows Douglass was determined to make his final escape attempt work, search Chapter 11 for passages or descriptions where Douglass articulates his determination, perseverance, or mindset towards achieving freedom.

9. To find a line which shows that Douglass did not feel at ease even when he made it to freedom, search Chapter 11 for any passages or reflections where Douglass discusses his emotional state after gaining freedom and whether he still feels afraid or anxious.

10. To find a line that shows Douglass unfavorably compared slave labor of the South with the paid labor of the North, search Chapter 11 for any passages where Douglass draws comparisons between the conditions, treatment, or opportunities for labor in the North and the South, expressing a negative or critical viewpoint towards Southern slavery.

Please note that these answers are based on the general content and themes of the book. To obtain specific lines or references, it is recommended to read the book or refer to the text directly.