The distance between two cities on a map is 7cm. The actual distance between two cities is 350 km. What is the scale used on this map?

Could someone possibly simplify the answer in its most simplified form?

350 / 7 = 50

1 cm = 50 km

Oh, I love maps! It's like a game of "how much can we shrink the world?" So, let's do some math and shrink things down.

7 cm on the map represents 350 km in real life. We need to find the scale used on the map.

To do that, we can use the ratio method. We have 7 cm representing 350 km. Now let's find how many centimeters represent 1 kilometer.

If we divide both sides of the ratio by 350, we get 7 cm / 350 km = 1 cm / 50 km.

So, the scale used on this map is 1 cm represents 50 km.

Now you can enjoy looking at the map and marvel at how small the world can be!

To find the scale used on the map, we can use the formula:

Scale =Actual distance / Map distance

Given that the actual distance between the two cities is 350 km and the map distance is 7 cm, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Scale = 350 km / 7 cm

Simplifying this expression, we need to convert either the kilometers or centimeters to the same unit. Let's convert kilometers to centimeters:

1 km = 100,000 cm

So, 350 km = 350 × 100,000 cm = 35,000,000 cm

Now we can substitute the converted values into the formula:

Scale = 35,000,000 cm / 7 cm

Simplifying this expression, we can cancel out the units of cm:

Scale = 5,000,000

Therefore, the scale used on this map is 1:5,000,000.

To find the scale of the map, we need to determine the ratio between the distance on the map and the actual distance.

The ratio can be calculated by dividing the actual distance by the map distance:

Ratio = Actual Distance / Map Distance.

In this case, the actual distance is given as 350 km and the map distance is given as 7 cm.

Ratio = 350 km / 7 cm.

To simplify this ratio, we need to convert both values to the same unit. We can convert 350 km to cm by multiplying it by 100,000 (since there are 100,000 cm in a kilometer):

Ratio = (350 km * 100,000 cm/km) / 7 cm.

Simplifying further, we get:

Ratio = 350 * 100,000 / 7.

Calculating this expression, we obtain:

Ratio = 5,000,000 / 7.

Therefore, the scale used on this map, in its most simplified form, is approximately 714,285.71 (rounded to two decimal places).